Again, I'm feeling pretty pissed off with effortlessly pretty people, and that might seem weird or unreasonable to you. Not that I blame you, though. I get alot of "OHMYGOD HOW COULD YOU SAY SUCH A THING" whenever I mention that I hope to see pretty people get splashed in the face with acid/hit by a train/get involve in a car accident(hopefully one that doesn't involve death but facial disfigurement for life) - YES, I'M THAT SADISTIC. Again, not my fault, if pretty people didn't exist, or if everybody had the same level of attractiveness, I wouldn't feel that way.
Hence!!!! I've compiled a list of things that I think pretty people should not be allowed to do. If you're one of those effortlessly pretty people, FUCK YOU. If you're one of my cute close friends reading this, don't take it heart. I love you guys, but seriously, your prettiness is making it pretty hard for me to not feel pretty ugly. OK, back to the list.
1) They should not be allowed government-funded healthcare
Isn't it bad enough that when pretty people walk on the street they make other people whom, I assume to be healthy/able-bodied people(mostly people me) feel bad about themselves? Think about it!! Pretty people uglify everyone by comparison. Now they want to uglify sick/ailing/ill people???!!!WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT???!!!HUH???!!! Pretty people shouldn't be allowed relatively cheap healthcare, damnit! They should pay for unsubsidized medical services. Why? Because they were already lucky enough to be born pretty. Hence they should not be allowed reasonably priced healthcare. Yup I just ran out of elaborations. Next!!
2) Pretty people should not be allowed in public parks
Again with the uglification by comparison thing. Need I say more??
Hey! You pretty people are already pretty enough, OK? No need to make us ugly people feel even worse, OK?! Greedy bastards.
4) Pretty people should not be given discounts when buying stuff ESPECIALLY beautifying products
Stop them from looking even prettier, fuck it!!
5) Pretty people should not be allowed into public schools
Don't chide me for writing this because I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. Back when I was in primary school, there were all these fucking partial teachers who would treat the cute pupils better, even if those pupils never worked hard. Even better than the students who got good grades. Of course, not all teachers do this. I'm well aware that only moronic/retarded/superficial/stupid/myopic/inserteverybadwordpossible teachers do this. Why should pretty people be allowed into public school, huh? If that public school has many those particular type of teachers.(My standard 4 class already has two of these dumb teachers) It only makes the ugly pupils feel bad. If you all still don't understand what I'm saying here,you're either the cute-yet-bimbotic pupil or your lucky enough to be placed in a school where such aesthetic discrimination doesn't exist.
Ok, that's all. Actually I can think up alot more, but since I don't feel like writing anymore, you can think up some yourselves. Good bye!!! TAKE A STAND AGAINST PRETTY PEOPLE, EVERYBODY.