Wednesday, 29 February 2012


God fuck this week is a goddamn fucked-up week. Just got back home from school, and boy, do I feel pissed.
I've encountered two bitches and one son of a bitch this week, and to vent my anger, I shall blog about them.

Bitch encounter no.1:

So about three weeks ago my bro got transferred to my school, and until now he still haven't receive his English Science and Math textbooks yet. My mom has gone to my school to ask about it a few times now, and there's no news yet. So two days ago, she asked me to inquire about the availability of the books from the school. She said she didn't want to do it because she was too busy. Ok, so being the filial daughter and caring sister I am,(ahem) I went to the "bilik SPBT"(the room where the school kept all the textbooks) after school. There, I saw the teacher in charge and POLITELY, I asked her if the English Sc and Mt books have arrived yet. Oh wait, let me just type the whole conversation out for you to get a better picture:

Me(politely in a gentle voice) : "Teacher, my brother is in Form 1 now and I was wondering if the English Science and Maths books have arrived yet?"
Teacher(in an irritated, menopausal voice) : "What?!"
Me : "The English Science and Maths textbooks."
Teacher(irritated, pissed off voice again) : "For who?!"
Me(starting to frown) :" My brother."
Teacher : "Ah, then where is he?!"
Me :"He's not here."
Teacher : "Well, tell him to find me lah!"

Walao fucked-up anot this kind of teacher?! My was brother sick and at home you fucktard! And what did I ever do to do? Why did you answer me in such a rude way when I politely asked you something? Just because you're the teacher and I'm the student, does that mean you can talk to me in any unreasonable way you wish?Fuck, man. All I did was ask you if those textbooks have arrive yet. Pfft, so much for stuffing moral values down our throats when YOU, the teacher, yourself is so unreasonable and impolite.

I told my friends about this incident and they told me that that teacher was actually really nice and pleasant. MY ARSE. I don't care how "nice and pleasant" that teacher is, she was rude to ME. Just when I politely asked her a question. Yes, yes, she may be stressed out that time, but that doesn't give her the right to be anyone. Don't blame me for your being stuck in a boring and stressful yet low-paying job. Don't take your anger out on me, motherfucker. I did NOTHING to you. To say that a teacher can unreasonably scold a student as they wish is as ridiculous as saying that it's perfectly ok to kill someone else's pet.

The second bitch has already been mentioned once in my blog, so I shall skip that. Which brings us to....

Son of a bitch encounter:

So I joined this school club, and I'm one of the group leaders in it. I have a really nice group of people in my group: funny, active, entertaining. But of course, for every good thing, there's an equally bad thing. And the bad thing in my group comes in the form of a really uncooperative son of a bitch (hereby known as SOB). This SOB is from a rich family, and boy, does his richness translate into pure snobbery. Let me tell you what his problem is : he is stuck-up, UNCOOPERATIVE, disrespectful, and rude. I really want to mention his name here, but I'm worried I'll get sued for defamation, not to mention his dad is rich enough to wipe his ass using $50 notes.

During the first meeting, we were required to think up of a name for our group. No one had any ideas, so I proposed 5 potential names. After voting it out, we settled on "SBPS"(I shall not say what SBPS stands for) and everybody agreed on it. Besides a name, we were also required to think up of a slogan. Again, nobody had any ideas, so we settled for WLSBSQBISSC.(And again, I shall not say what  WLSBSQBISSC stands for) After practicing on how to present our group, we were ready for presentation. And what happened was, this SOB spoke up: "can we change our name? SBPS sounds really dumbass."  And he had a really behtahan, condescending and annoyed look on his fucked-up face.

Dude, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM? I mean, I wouldn't be that offended if you used "dumb" instead of "dumbass", and why the hell didn't you fucking say you didn't like the name in the first place?! Then we would have skipped the trouble of thinking up of a new name and slogan. Fuck you, if you really don't like this group, go join another one, or better yet, get the hell out of this club.(This incident actually happened two weeks ago.)

What happened today was this, we had our second meeting, and everybody was instructed to design a shirt for our club on a piece of paper, and at the back of the paper, we needed to write out our name. So this SOB designs a really perfunctory, effortless design. I took one glance at it, and told him to spice up his design a little. He didn't, though, and handed me the same fugly original design. Fine then, I thought, you're eager for this club meeting to be over, so am I. So I took his design and turned the paper backwards.

Lo and behold, he didn't write his real name. All he wrote was this stupid pseudonym. Why didn't he write his real name? Idk. Maybe he realized that his real name was too puke-inducing and decided to spare me the trouble of puking. So I returned the paper back to him, and told him to write out his real name. AND HE  DIDN'T AND STILL HAD THE AUDACITY TO HAND HIS DESIGN BACK TO ME. When the club president came over to check on our progress, he saw this SOB's design and the pseudonym at the back. I pointed to SOB and told the president that the design belonged to him.

You know what that fucking SOB did? HE DENIED IT. Eyes wide, he said that wasn't his and when I asked him who it belonged to, he muttered that he didn't know. If that's not typical SOB behavior I really don't know what is.

End of ranting post. This just proves that my school is full of bitches and sons of bitches, irrespective of whether they come in student form or teacher form. Of course, there are nice people as well, and the only thing that keeps me going to school is the fact that one day, I'll graduate from this hell-hole.


Friday, 3 February 2012


Dear blog,

  Second post today. And right now I'm seriously pissed. I've noticed something for a long time, and now it's finally gotten to me to the point of blogging it out. I've noticed that people, irregardless of race,gender,age, or political affiliation favors cute people. And that just gets on my nerve. I mean, I know guys will automatically go for the better looking girl, but what I don't understand is why in the world girls will do the same.(straight girls, that is)

  I mean, seriously. It boggles my mind. Since I was in primary school, I have been witnessing many cases of favoritism by all kinds of people based on LOOKS. We constantly campaign against racial discrimination and gender discrimination, but never about aesthetic discrimination. And that's sad. I mean, I bet there's a lot of people out there who have been affected by this, eg me.

  OK, OK, I get it. Guys will choose prettier girls over uglier ones. But why do girls do the same? When I was in Secondary 1, there was this really cute and angelic-looking girl in my class, and everybody, I mean EVERYBODY treated her like she was the reincarnation of Mother Theresa or something. And what irked me the most is that the teachers do the same! At the risk of sounding like a stuck-up arrogant bitch, I was one the top students in my grade, and this girl was not. I was the one scoring As and studying my butt off , and yet, those motherfucking partial teachers treated HER better. Fucking unfair.

  The same thing happened in Primary school. There was this really snobby teacher who would favor the cute kids over the smart ones (not that I'm smart during my primary years). And what confuses me is, why???? Did the teacher want to fuck those cute students, therefore treating them better? That was a female teacher, for god's sake! I'd understand how a male teacher would act so, but why a female teacher?? That really confuses me.

   Also, when I was in Secondary 1, the seniors(irrespective of gender) would treat the cuter person better. And that's really depressing for non-cute people like me. Now that I'm a senior, I don't treat cute juniors better. In fact, if anything, I try to treat them worse than non-cute juniors. I believe that if you're lucky enough to be born cute, you should be unlucky enough to endure the irrational hate non-cute people throw at you.

  Wait a minute! I have a theory as to why people treat cute people better. It all boils down to this..... parental instinct. When I say parental instinct, I don't mean the urge to protect, what I mean is the tendency to favor better quality kids as you subconsciously wish they were your own. Omigosh, that explains why I hate cute people!!! I have no parental instinct at all!! I hate kids, everytime I hear of women choosing motherhood over careers I scorn at them, and well, basically I will not be the best parent if, at the slimmest of all slim chances, I decide to have kids. Parental instinct is the answer to everything!!! Ok, so maybe that instinct to want better kids for yourself isn't called parental instinct. I don't know the correct term for it, so I'm going to stick with parental instinct for now.

  Ok, back to cute people. I hate them. I hate how everything comes so easy to them, I hate how lucky they are to be born cute, and above all, I hate how everybody seems to sideline the uglier people. People say that smart people are uglier, that is NOT true. The only reason why there are more smart, ugly people than there are smart, pretty people is because ugly people know they have to work harder to compete with pretty people, because there are motherfuckers in this world who give special treatment to pretty people. And that's fucking unfortunate.Believe me, I know. I'm one of those nerdy, no-social-life types that work hard to get what I want.

   Enough ranting for today. I'm starved, gotta go get dinner. I'm sure the food will make me feel better! And also, I hope aesthetic discrimination will vanish from the world along with racial/gender discrimination, homophobia, Islamophobia, insertanyreligionherephobia and last but not least - acne. I've been wanting to blog about my fucking acne for a long time, but alas, I'm too lazy to do so. Oh well, maybe another time, I guess.



Dear blog,

  "I'm confused," That's my favorite line to say whenever I'm pissed at people who look good, and usually that line is continued with a "I hope they get fucked" at the end of the sentence. There are many things I'm confused about, eg why my skin is so fucked while my siblings and cousins all have flawless skin/ why I have single eyelids when my parents both have doubles/ why my ears are abnormally big(I've only recently noticed this, thanks a certain person who mentioned about it - yes I'm talking to YOU, my friend who is reading this right now). But above all, I'm confused as to why I'm so flat-chested.

  I have a friend who's sister is only 12+ who has bigger boobs than me,who is already FUCKING 17. Yet, I can't fill out an A cup. One word --- WHY???? This is not a cry of agony, or complaint.(to some extent, it is, actually) It is a simple question. Why does all my friends have chests that are suited for their 17 year old selves, yet I don't?? Not saying that being busty is the best option here, but there are certainly cons to being a flat chested girl ( hereby known as FCG)

   Let me list out the pros and cons of having non-existent boobs:


1) Not needing to wear a bra.
    Seriously, you guys have no idea how liberating it is to be bra-free. I can wear a T-shirt out without wearing one and no fucking person will notice. Not saying that I usually go out underwear-less, though. I have my modesty.

2) Not needing to worry about perverts
   Not saying that flat chesters never get harassed, but if harassers have the chance to choose between molesting a girl with boobs or a girl with none, well, enough said. Oh, it's also a bonus that FCG don't usually get ogled at, cause, well, we don't have anything to be ogled at by guys!!(I'm talking about gross old guys who only pay attention to a girl's chest, not the normal kind who check girls out from head to toe)

3) Easy exercising
  I can't emphasize this enough. I've had friends who complain of their irritating boobs bouncing around when they're running, so FCGs should be grateful that they don't have to worry about something as annoying as THAT. Anyway FCGs also have a higher chance of excelling in sports compared to busty girls, because FCGs have less "baggage"(did I use that word right?).

4) FCGs are usually skinnier
   Because busty girls are usually fatter.

5) You'll know if your significant other likes you for yourself or your boobs
  Flat chestedness is actually a blessing in disguise, because you get to pick out guys who are into you for your personality, not your physical outlook.

Anyway I've run out of pros, so let's get to the cons...


1) Inferiority complexes
  I'm 17, yet my chest is completely flat while my friends are well-endowed, which is actually a pretty saddening thought.

2) Clothes don't fit well on you
  You can only wear T-shirts that are meant for kids, cause wearing low-cut makes you look like a delusional fool who have nothing to show.

3) Less advantage
  In the romance department, that is. Let's get something straight - guys will check girls out, and it is the slut who have big boobs that will get the guy's attention at first. But then again, if all you have are boobs and no intellect, then boo-sucks to you, the guys will dump you once they see past your attractive,come-fuck-me-motherfuckers chest and see the brainless bimbo that you are.

4) Swimsuits are out of the question
  I don't think I'll ever wear a bikini my whole life and be stuck with one-piece,mum-sy swimsuits, and THAT is depressing.

Notice how the numbers of cons are less elaborated than the pros, that's because the more I type about it the more depressed and angry I get at the world for giving me small boobs while somewhere else, there are girls who have boobs literally bigger that their heads. FCGs, please don't be angered by this. Please DO be angered by this world that is apparently trying to screw us up as much as possible by not giving us boobs.

  Non-FCGs, if you think I'm superficial and shallow, FUCK YOU. Obviously, you are well-endowed with a chest that makes you worthy of being fucked, so I hope you do get fucked. By some bald old bachelor pervert with bad B.O..

  Should I go for a boob job? Hmmmm. I do wish for a well-proportioned body,  and I heard there's a sharp increase in boob job plastic surgeons. Double Hmmmmm. But I'm worried though, of botched up jobs, as what had happened to thousands of women worldwide. Poly Implant Prothese, I hope you burn in hell. Women who are affected by this, I hope you are all well and got your implants removed.

   Ok this is the end of this post, and like I said, blogeraphy is the best therapy. I feel much more confident knowing that I still have long legs, nice teeth, and boobs that don't shout "a rapist's dream". And I'm also born with all my body parts ESSENTIAL FOR SURVIVAL, NOT AESTHETICS, so that gives me some sort of comfort, and justice being served.