"I'm confused," That's my favorite line to say whenever I'm pissed at people who look good, and usually that line is continued with a "I hope they get fucked" at the end of the sentence. There are many things I'm confused about, eg why my skin is so fucked while my siblings and cousins all have flawless skin/ why I have single eyelids when my parents both have doubles/ why my ears are abnormally big(I've only recently noticed this, thanks a certain person who mentioned about it - yes I'm talking to YOU, my friend who is reading this right now). But above all, I'm confused as to why I'm so flat-chested.
I have a friend who's sister is only 12+ who has bigger boobs than me,who is already FUCKING 17. Yet, I can't fill out an A cup. One word --- WHY???? This is not a cry of agony, or complaint.(to some extent, it is, actually) It is a simple question. Why does all my friends have chests that are suited for their 17 year old selves, yet I don't?? Not saying that being busty is the best option here, but there are certainly cons to being a flat chested girl ( hereby known as FCG)
Let me list out the pros and cons of having non-existent boobs:
1) Not needing to wear a bra.
Seriously, you guys have no idea how liberating it is to be bra-free. I can wear a T-shirt out without wearing one and no fucking person will notice. Not saying that I usually go out underwear-less, though. I have my modesty.
2) Not needing to worry about perverts
Not saying that flat chesters never get harassed, but if harassers have the chance to choose between molesting a girl with boobs or a girl with none, well, enough said. Oh, it's also a bonus that FCG don't usually get ogled at, cause, well, we don't have anything to be ogled at by guys!!(I'm talking about gross old guys who only pay attention to a girl's chest, not the normal kind who check girls out from head to toe)
3) Easy exercising
I can't emphasize this enough. I've had friends who complain of their irritating boobs bouncing around when they're running, so FCGs should be grateful that they don't have to worry about something as annoying as THAT. Anyway FCGs also have a higher chance of excelling in sports compared to busty girls, because FCGs have less "baggage"(did I use that word right?).
4) FCGs are usually skinnier
Because busty girls are usually fatter.
5) You'll know if your significant other likes you for yourself or your boobs
Flat chestedness is actually a blessing in disguise, because you get to pick out guys who are into you for your personality, not your physical outlook.
Anyway I've run out of pros, so let's get to the cons...
1) Inferiority complexes
I'm 17, yet my chest is completely flat while my friends are well-endowed, which is actually a pretty saddening thought.
2) Clothes don't fit well on you
You can only wear T-shirts that are meant for kids, cause wearing low-cut makes you look like a delusional fool who have nothing to show.
3) Less advantage
In the romance department, that is. Let's get something straight - guys will check girls out, and it is the slut who have big boobs that will get the guy's attention at first. But then again, if all you have are boobs and no intellect, then boo-sucks to you, the guys will dump you once they see past your attractive,come-fuck-me-motherfuckers chest and see the brainless bimbo that you are.
4) Swimsuits are out of the question
I don't think I'll ever wear a bikini my whole life and be stuck with one-piece,mum-sy swimsuits, and THAT is depressing.
Notice how the numbers of cons are less elaborated than the pros, that's because the more I type about it the more depressed and angry I get at the world for giving me small boobs while somewhere else, there are girls who have boobs literally bigger that their heads. FCGs, please don't be angered by this. Please DO be angered by this world that is apparently trying to screw us up as much as possible by not giving us boobs.
Non-FCGs, if you think I'm superficial and shallow, FUCK YOU. Obviously, you are well-endowed with a chest that makes you worthy of being fucked, so I hope you do get fucked. By some bald old bachelor pervert with bad B.O..
Should I go for a boob job? Hmmmm. I do wish for a well-proportioned body, and I heard there's a sharp increase in boob job plastic surgeons. Double Hmmmmm. But I'm worried though, of botched up jobs, as what had happened to thousands of women worldwide. Poly Implant Prothese, I hope you burn in hell. Women who are affected by this, I hope you are all well and got your implants removed.
Ok this is the end of this post, and like I said, blogeraphy is the best therapy. I feel much more confident knowing that I still have long legs, nice teeth, and boobs that don't shout "a rapist's dream". And I'm also born with all my body parts ESSENTIAL FOR SURVIVAL, NOT AESTHETICS, so that gives me some sort of comfort, and justice being served.
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