Thursday, 19 January 2012


Dear blog,

Disclaimer: This post isn't dedicated to bash the following mentioned people, I'll admit it, some of them might be very nice and sweet people, but hey, like I said, I'm an bitch. Might as well bitch about something.

OK Today's post will be about all those ubiquitous and annoying "love yourself you are beautiful no matter how you look blah blah blah" songs that have recently become so popular. To elaborate on my point, some of you might have heard of Selena Gomez's song, Who Says. Yes, yes, it is actually a very catchy and nice song, but what I can't stand is, that is, the gist of this post today, THOSE FUCKING YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL NO MATTER WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE THEMED SONGS. Wtf I used 6 commas in this sentence alone.

"What's wrong  with songs that promotes self-confidence in terms of physical outlook?"you may ask.
Actually there's nothing wrong with those kinds of songs. I'm just unreasonable, that's why I hate them so much. But underneath all my unreasonableness, there IS a reason as to why I hate them.

This girl is telling me I'm beautiful no matter what.

 Are you kidding me? Someone as gorgeous and pretty-eyed and shiny-haired and overall perfectly good-looking as you telling someone as horrifically horrible-looking as me that I'm beautiful? Please, bitch, if you were to tell me that to my face, Id think you're being sarcastic and probably would slap you in the face.

Who says I'm not pretty? I'll tell you who. COMMON SENSE TELLS ME I'M NOT PRETTY. HELL, EVEN MY RELATIVES TELL ME I'M NOT PRETTY, FUCK THEIR LIVES (no la, they didn't exactly say it to my face. but any person with a functional mind would've sensed it by the way they look at me/talk about my lack of fashion sense etc)

Which brings me to my point. Why is it that (most of) the people who promote individual beauty are so obscenely beautiful themselves? Imagine me, being 169 cm in height(which is relatively tall by Asian standards. btw I hate it when Asians get all defensive when people say that they're short . lets face it - they are. Stop being in denial)  telling a, say, 140 cm person, "hey! Don't be sad about being short, it's perfectly OK! Nobody cares about height anyway, the most important thing is to love your height, no matter how much you look like a dwarf!". That's how it feels every time some gorgeous celebrity tells me to love the way I look.

Ok la I don't really hate Selena Gomez or anything I actually kinda like her songs and also I love watching Wizards of Waverly Place (great show, too bad the season ended :-( wtf I'm such a loser) but I absolutely hate it when beautiful people tell ugly people to love themselves.

Let me be clear about something. I'm am not against enhancing self-confidence. What I'm against is, is hypocrisy. It's telling people that looks don't matter when you yourself put so much effort into looking good to the point where poeple like me hate you. Get me someone who's not good-looking/ugly ( NOT offensively pretty) to tell the world that they're not ashamed of being ugly and that they love themselves because they are smart/funny/talented/witty etc, and I will be moved to tears. In a good way, of course.

I've made my point. And I feel so much prettier! BLOGERAPHY WORKS WONDERS! Yeah la yeah la I don't exactly look like Selena Gomez, but hey, Avril Lavigne looked like this when she was younger:

And look at her now!:

Keeping my fingers crossed 

 I guess the point of this post is this : Music industries bigwigs, if you want to seriously have an effect on people, get someone who truly understands them *waves hand frantically shouting:"Me! Me!"* (Just kidding)
But seriously. Hypocrisy is just going to get you hated.

That's all for today. 

PS Selena/Avril fans please don't be offended if I somehow unintentionally insulted your precious idols. Oh, what the heck. They deserve to be insulted for their prettiness. Or at least, Selena does.


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