Monday, 2 January 2012


Dear blog,

Today I shall blog about something different today. Yes, today's blog is not going to be about how effortlessly pretty people(and by effortlessly I mean people who look pretty without plastic surgery/makeup/pretty clothes etc) get on my nerves and how they should all be raped (except for my friends, of course). Okay. Today's post will be about unreasonable bitches. Now, if my friends are reading this, you guys will probably know who I'm referring to when I say THE unreasonable bitch. There's only ONE person in this world who can make me hate so irrevocably and illogically much that I wish her death. OMG You're also an unreasonable bitch for hating so unreasonably on someone!! NOOOOOO, I am not an unreasonable bitch (unless you count in hating on pretty people, then yes, I am an unreasonable bitch, but in this case, no, I'm not). There's got to be a reason why I hate this particular person so damn much. In fact, there's not a reason to hate on this bitch, there's MANY reasons to.  But if I were to list out all of those hateful qualities of that person, well, it would take many years of continuous blogging to do so. So, I'll just focus on one of those despicable qualities of that bitch (hereby known as YL) that I detest so much. 

Ok, so one of the things about YL that irks me so much is her lack of diplomatic skills. (And when I say diplomatic, I don't mean bilateral or multilateral ties between countries or complicated mumbo jumbo like that. I dunno why I'm even explaining this. You guys would have probably understood this, I guess it's because when I see the word "diplomatic ties" I immediately think of nation-to-nation relation.hah that rhymes.) Anyway, back to YL's non-existent diplomatic skills. One situation that illustrates my point is when YL and any family member of mine quarrels, all she does is scream and shout and blame everybody else. 

This is how a quarrel with YL usually goes like:  

Family Member: YL!Did you take the certain-object?!
                   YL: No I didn't see it.
                   FM: Really mar? Cause the last time I saw it was when you were using it.
                   YL: I never took it ok??!!! 都讲没有你们还不信! *goes back to room and           slams door and shouting curse words*

Ok la, this isn't too bad. In fact, this is considered extremely mild by YL standards. The point is, when someone accuse you of something that they have proof that you've done, what you do is, you defend yourself. Not by screaming and shouting and blaming them of partiality(in YL's case),but by calmly stating your opinion and why you think you have been framed or whatever. NOT by barbaric behavior as shown by YL. If they don't have proof whatsoever then only you are entitled to act barbaric in verbal self-defence.

The best(worst) situation that exemplifies her uncivilized way of arguing is when she's quarreling with me. I'm not trying to be a saint here, but believe me when I say that she's the one who causes all the quarrels.I HEREBY SWEAR SO. Of course, she never admits it. Usually, after screaming at each other for about a few minutes, we would both be in a bad mood. And usually, I would use a conciliatory tone and ask her to discuss about what has happened and who was really in the wrong. And her usual reply? SCREAM!!!WHAT DO YOU KNOW?!EVERYBODY LIKES YOU BEST!!SCREAM!!!LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!EVEN IF YOU GET A MEDIATOR (I was the one suggesting a mediator) HE/SHE WILL BE BIASED!!!SCREAM!!!LEAVE ME ALONE!!!SCREAM!!!FUCK!!!
Fuck? Yes, fuck. FUCK YOU. If all you're going to do is be a bitch and blame everybody else when you do something wrong, go fuck yourself. I don't even know why I even brought up the idea of a discussion with someone as simple-minded and primitive as you. As I've said before- THE BITCH CAN'T TAKE ANYTHING SHE DOESN'T LIKE TO HEAR. 

Admittedly, I'm also very unreasonable for hating one pretty people, I know. But hey! At least I don't go up to your face saying:" MAN, I HATE PRETTY PEOPLE!!!OMG I WANT TO SPLASH ACID ON THEM BLAH BLAH BLAH"  I blog about my dissatisfactions, and my blog is open to feedback. Even if I don't like some of them, I don't go on a rampage, at least not physically. And yes, I use alot of vulgar words, but I only use them with my friends or on my blog, and I don't shout them to your face like YL, do I??

Yeah la yeah la I know you might be thinking I'm very self-righteous, and I guess I am, to some extent. But get this - that is only my online persona. If you met me in person, you would be surprised at how pleasant and nice I am. Oh, and you would also be surprised at how much I look like a giraffe too. No kidding there.AND I DON'T KID ABOUT GIRAFFES. Ok that's all for today I guess. Maybe in the future there'll be more posts about YL's bitchy antics or qualities.

PS. If you think I hate YL because she's pretty, you're dead wrong. To me, she is not pretty.At least not pretty enough for me to unreasonably hate. She is not ugly too, I guess. Pleasant-looking la, but once you stay with her under the same roof, trust me man, that pleasant-lookingness turns into pure puke-inducingness overnight.

 PPS. Giraffe that looks like me: 

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